Biomedical Engineering Research Foundation  






The field of biomedical engineering comprises of 

  • Biomechanical

  • Bioelectrical

  • Biomaterials

  • Biomedical imaging

  • Biotechnology. 

The Biotechnology discipline comprises of the following areas:

  •  Biopharmaceuticals (Biochemical)

  •  Tissue Engineering

  •  Genetic analysis etc.,

Genetic analysis is currently in the limelight for various benefits of human beings. For harvesting the best benefit, a complete knowledge and understanding on the functions of different genes in human, animals and plants are essential. Generally genome projects aim at decoding the entire genome of a subject to be stored at genetic libraries.   The main areas of genetic analysis require a through understanding on codons and anticodons with respect to their functions. These genetic sequences of genes are being determined and their functions are understood by different experiments. 

By doing many  experiments, taking a lengthy span of time, the functions of genes were deciphered. Therefore, there was a need for the development of easy, economic and rapid techniques for understanding the structures and functions of different genes, proteins and other molecules that are currently being done by a new area in the field of Biotechnology named BIOINFORMATICS. Bioinformatics is nothing but computational biology came into existence by a beautiful blend of Information technology (computer application) and Biotechnology.      



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