3. M.Sc. Dissertational projects for the
partial fulfillment of the degree can be done by
prior selection through proper channel.
On Going Research Projects:
1. A study on Tissue tropism
in WSSV of Penaeus monodon by PCR - Neha Saxena
2. RE production and
purification from E. coli - Mr. Srinivasan
3. Lip - gene cloning from
Staphylococcus aureus to E. coli using Pbr322
- Ms.
Manimekalai, V
4. Lip - gene transfer from oil
degrading Pseudomonas to E. coli - Mr.Eashwara
5. Cloning of alpha amylase gene from Bacillus
subtilis to E.coli - Ms.Sobiya, P
6. Ndo - gene cloning from a Pseudomonas
isolate to an E. coli -Mrs.S. Sumathi.
7. Transfer of god -
gene from Aspergillus niger to E. coli - Ms. Gunavathi,
8. Cloning of APr -
gene from Bacillus
subtilis to E.coli - Ms.Jubaidha
Recently Completed:
1. Isolation & identification of New castle
disease virus by (PCR). - Ms. P. Umamagesh
2. A study on the incidence of HCV by PCR from
tribals of Yercaud hills.- Mr. S. Saravanna Balaji
3. A study on Salmonella typhi Plasmid vector
construction. - Ms. J. Radhi
4. Incidence of Leptospirosis among suspected cases
of Salem, India. - Ms. N. Dhilsath
5. RFLP of Staphylococcus sp. by FIGE-REA - Ms. P.R. Jayanthi
6. Screening of oil degrading Pseudomonas sp. of
Salem. - Sr. Christy John
7. Standardization of dipstick
dot-ELISA for Vibreo infection-Mr.Tamilselvan.,
8. Standardization of an in-house plate ELISA for
antileptospiral antibody detection by using
local isolates. - Mr.Raja Sekar
9. A study on antibacterial activity of Schiff-base
complexes. - Mr.Saravana Balaji.
10. A study on contact hemolysin of Shigella spp
effect on Animal RBCs. - Mr.Bharath Kumar.
11.Lip gene transfer from an oil
degrading Pseudomonas to a non oil degrading
Pseudomonas Miss.Jasmi Bernard.
Projects Published:
1. Title : Effect of Rogor 30E on the Biochemistry
of Haemolymph of Ranatra filiformis (F), 1992.
Authors : R.Saravanan and M.Selvanayagam
Unit of Environmental Sciences PG.& Research
Department of Zoology Loyola College,
Madras-60034, India.
Journal : Academy of Environmental Biology 1:
2. Title : First report of human leptospirosis due to
Leptospira interrogans serovar javanica in India. 1998.
Authors : R.Saravanan1, P.Rajendran1,
S.P.Thyagarajan1 and L.D.Smythe2
1 Department of Microbiology, Dr.A.L.M.
Post Graduate Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Madras-600 113,
2 WHO/FAO Collaborating Center for
Reference and Research on Leptospirosis, 39 Kessels Road, Coopers
Plain, Q4108, Brisbane, Australia.
Journal : Transactions of the Royal Society of
Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 92:186.
3. Title : Isolation of Leptospira javanica
from urine sample of an acute renal failure case in Chennai: India.
Authors : R.Saravanan, P.Rajendran and
S.P.Thyagarajan. Department of Microbiology, Dr.A.L.M. Post Graduate
Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Madras-600 113, India.
Journal : Indian Journal of Medical
Microbiology 16: 61-63.
4. Title : Immunologic and biochemical studies on
experimental Leptospirosis in stray dog pups. 1998.
Authors : 1R.Saravanan, 2.P.Rajendran
and 2S.P.Thyagarajan. 1
Department of Microbiology, DG.Vaishnav College
Arumbakkam, Chennai-600106, India. 2Dr.A.L.M. Post Graduate
Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Madras-600 113, India.
Journal : Biomedicine 18 :7-13.
5. Title : Clinical, bacteriologic and
histopathologic studies on induced Leptospirosis in stray dog pups.
Authors : 1R.Saravanan, 2P.Rajendran
and 2S.P.Thyagarajan. 1Department of
Microbiology, DG.Vaishnav College Arumbakkam, Chennai-600106, India.
2Dr.A.L.M. Post Graduate Institute of
Basic Medical Sciences, Madras-600 113, India.
Journal : Indian Journal of Pathology and
Microbiol. 42 : 463-469.
6. Title : Leptospira autumnalis isolated from a
human case from Avadi, India, and the serovar's predominance in local
rat and bandicoot populations. 2000.
Authors : R.Saravanan1, P.Rajendran1,
S.P.Thyagarajan1,L.D.Smythe2, M.A.Norris2,
M.L.Symonds2 and M.F.Dohnt2.
1Department of Microbiology, Dr.A.L.M.
PG. IBMS, Madras-600 113, India.
2WHO/FAO Collaborating Center for
Reference and Research on Leptospirosis, 39, Kessels Road, Coopers
Plain, Q4108, Brisbane, Australia.
Journal : Annals of Tropical Medicine and
Parasitology 94 503-506.
7. Title : Isolation of Vibrio
cholerae from bore well water from Namakkal district.
Kannan P, Saravanan R and Pandian R.S. Department
of Microbiology, Muthayammal College, Rasipuram, Namakkal, India.
Journal: J. Ecobiol.
12:287 - 291.
8. Title : Standardization of an In-House IgM
Dipstick Dot –ELISA for human leptospiral antibody detection.2003.
Authors : Saravanan,R1,
Rajendran,P2 and Thyagarajan, S.P2 1Research
institute of Biotechnology, Biomedical Engg.Res.Foundation, Periyar
University, India. 2 Department of Microbiology,
PG. IBMS, Madras-600 113, India. Journal:
Indian J. Appl. Microbiol. 3 : 41-44.
9. Title :
Insertion and Expression
of Lip Gene from Phanerochaete
chrysosporium into E. coli for introducing the hydrocarbon
degrading efficacy. 2003. Authors:
1Dhamodhar, P, 1Saravanan,
R and 2Jeyabarathi,K 1Research
department of Biotechnology, Biomedical Engg.Res.Foundation, Periyar
University, India. 2 Department of
Biochemistry, Asan Memorial College, Chennai, India. Journal:
Indian J. Appl. Microbiol. 3: 47-49.
10. Title : Isolation and identification of bacterial
pathogens from cows' milk of Rasipuram village (2004).
Authors: Selva Kumar, G, Saravanabalaji, S and
Research department of Biotechnology, Biomedical Engg.Res.Foundation, Periyar
University, India.
Journal: J. Ecobiol.
Envt. Toxicol. 16: 419 - 422.